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The Full Story

About Lavender

The traditional use of this powerful and potent herb ranges from a popular choice for perfumes to an effective antimicrobial agent.  It is believed to be one of the first herbs brought to America by the colonists. It has been used throughout antiquity, dating back to early Egyptian and ancient Roman times. 

In a Lavender Field

What is Lavender?

With its soothing aroma and delicate purple blossoms, lavender is a staple in any garden. And with its versatile culinary, ornamental, medicinal and aromatherapy uses, lavender has been one of the most coveted flower/herb/shrubs for thousands of years.

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History of Lavender

Lavender has been cultivated throughout history. While its popularity has fluctuated over the years, it has undoubtedly made a huge impact on the world. 

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Page of a old manuscript about lavender
Close up of lavender with small blue bottle

Medicinal Uses

Lavender or Lavandula belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is one of the commonly researched medicinal herbs. Claims that the flowers of the plant have been used to cure various ailments have been documented since ancient times.

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Growing Lavender

Lavender is a perennial that will come back every year as long as you care for it properly, which includes giving it plenty of sun, a little bit of water, and a lot of love.

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Lavender Fields



Olalla, WA


Tel 206-859-1422


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